About Me

The one and only Tiernan Kingzett.

Hey there! I'm Tiernan Kingzett, a multifaceted maker, game developer, and photographer based on Vancouver Island, British Columbia.

Professional Life:
By day, I install medical imaging systems across Western Canada. This role has given me incredible opportunities to explore and grow my appreciation for our beautiful country. From the rugged coastlines of BC to the sweeping prairies of Saskatchewan, I've gained a unique perspective on the diverse landscapes and communities that make up Western Canada.

Game Development:
I've been coding for over a decade, but in 2021, I dove headfirst into the world of game development. In spring 2022, I launched my first mobile game, Simply Sudoku. This project allowed me to combine my love for logic systems with user-friendly design. I'm particularly passionate about creating intricate logic and physics systems in my games, always striving to craft engaging and immersive experiences for players.

Photography and Cinematography:
Photography has been a lifelong passion, introduced to me at a young age. It's a form of art I'll cherish and practice for the rest of my life, as I love capturing and sharing the world as I see it. Fair warning: I'm a massive nerd when it comes to cinematography and shot design. Just ask anyone who's had to endure my impromptu lectures on color theory and framing in the middle of a movie night!

Other Interests:
When I'm not behind a camera or computer screen, you might find me in the kitchen experimenting with new recipes, on the water around Vancouver Island, or chasing down an adventure. My curiosity drives me to constantly create and explore as much as I possibly can.

I hope you enjoy browsing through some of my creations. If you're a fellow creative with an idea for a collaborative project – whether it's a game, a photo series, or something entirely unexpected – I'd love to hear from you. Let's connect and see what amazing things we can create together!